Benjamin T. Jones, Bridget Brooklyn and Rebecca Strating, Australia on the World Stage: History, Politics, and International Relations (London: Routledge, 2022). Under contract.
Benjamin T. Jones and Marius Gudonis, History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis (London: Routledge, 2020).
Benjamin T. Jones, This Time: Australia’s Republican Past and Future (Melbourne: Redback, 2018).
Benjamin T. Jones, Republicanism and Responsible Government: The shaping of democracy in Australia and Canada, (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014).
Benjamin T. Jones, John Uhr and Frank Bongiorno (eds), Elections Matter: Ten federal elections that shaped Australia, (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2018).
Benjamin T. Jones and Mark McKenna (eds), Project Republic: Plans and Ideas for a New Australia, (Melbourne: Black Inc, 2013).
Benjamin T. Jones, Mike Danaher, Benjamin Shanks and Rolf Schlagloth, ‘How did they get there? A history of koalas on Queensland’s islands’, Australian Zoologist (2023).
Benjamin T. Jones and Harry Hobbes, ‘Egalitarian nationhoods: a political theory in defence of the voice to parliament in the Uluru Statement from the Heart’, Australian Journal of Political Science, 1 February (2022).
Benjamin T. Jones, Amanda Laugesen and Naama Carlin, ‘“Aussie tradition” or “awful empty cliché”?: Contemporary Australian attitudes to mateship’, Journal of Australian Studies, 46:1 (2022).
Benjamin T, Jones, ‘Labor leaders and an Australian Republic: 1999–2019’, History Australia, 18:1 (2021).
Benjamin T. Jones and Sarah Hook, ‘Edward Smith Hall and the Introduction of Jury Trials to New South Wales’, Journal of Australian Colonial History, 20 (2018).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Currency Culture: Australian identity and nationalism in New South Wales before the gold rushes’, Australian Historical Studies, 48:1 (2017).
Benjamin T. Jones et. al., ‘When outbound mobility programs and service learning align in pre-service teacher education’, Asia Pacific Education Review, 18:3, (2017).
Benjamin T. Jones et. al., ‘If you build it, they may not come: Why Australian university students do not participate in outbound mobility experiences’, Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 13:3 (2016).
Benjamin T. Jones et. al., ‘Jafari and Transformation: A model to enhance short-term overseas study tours’, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 27 (2016).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Australia and the British Monarchy’, British Politics Review, 10 (2015).
Benjamin T. Jones and Paul Pickering, ‘A New Terror to Death: Public Memory and the disappearance of John Dunmore Lang’, History Australia, 11:2 (2014).
Benjamin T. Jones and Andrew Carr, ‘Civic republicanism and Sir Robert Menzies: The non-liberal side of the Liberal leader’, Journal of Australian Studies, 37:4 (2013).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Colonial Republicanism: Re-examining the Impact of Civic Republican Ideology in Pre-constitution New South Wales’, Journal of Australian Colonial History, 11 (2009).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Nation and Nationalism in a Globalised World’ in James Arvanitakis, Sociologic: Analysing Everday Life and Culture, Second edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Who Controls the Past?’ in Benjamin T. Jones and Marius Gudonis, History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis (London: Routledge, 2020).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Denying the Stolen Generations: What Happens to Indigenous History in a Post-Truth World?’ in Benjamin T. Jones and Marius Gudonis, History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis (London: Routledge, 2020).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Essence of Post-Truth History and Ways to Respond’ in Benjamin T. Jones and Marius Gudonis, History in a Post-Truth World: Theory and Praxis (London: Routledge, 2020).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Elections: Aren’t They All the Same?’ in Benjamin T. Jones, Frank Bongiorno, and John Uhr (eds), Elections Matter: Ten Federal Elections that Helped Shape Australia (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2018).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘1940: What to Do in an Electoral Draw’ in Benjamin T. Jones, Frank Bongiorno, and John Uhr (eds), Elections Matter: Ten Federal Elections that Helped Shape Australia (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2018).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Conclusion: A New Normal?’ in Benjamin T. Jones, Frank Bongiorno, and John Uhr (eds), Elections Matter: Ten Federal Elections that Helped Shape Australia (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2018).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Tools of Engagement: Using Outbound Mobility to Grow Australia’s Asia Literacy’ in Tonia Gray et. al. (eds.) The Globalisation of Higher Education – Developing Internationalised Education in Research and Practice, (Sydney: Palgrave McMillan, 2017).
Benjamin T. Jones et. al., ‘Generating and Deepening Reflection Whilst Studying Abroad: Incorporating Photo Elicitation in Transformative Traveling’ in Tonia Gray et. al. (eds.) The Globalisation of Higher Education – Developing Internationalised Education in Research and Practice, (Sydney: Palgrave McMillan, 2017).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Eureka Britannia: Civic Republicanism and the Politics of Rebellion in the British World’, in David Headon and John Uhr (eds.), Eureka: Australia’s Greatest Story, (Sydney: Federation Press, 2015).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘The Meaning of a Republic’, in Benjamin T. Jones & Mark McKenna (eds.), Project Republic. Plans and Arguments for a New Australia, (Melbourne: Black Inc, 2013).
Benjamin T. Jones and Mark McKenna, ‘Rekindling the Fire: The Republic and Australia’s Future’, in Benjamin T Jones & Mark McKenna (eds.), Project Republic. Plans and Arguments for a New Australia, (Melbourne: Black Inc, 2013).
Gray, T., Hall, T., Downey, G., Jones, B., Truong, S., Power, A., Bailey, P. & Sheringham, C. Enhancing Programmes Integrating Tertiary Outbound Mobility Experiences (EPITOME) Final Report, (Canberra: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016). doi 10.4225/35/588805fa8dd28
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Their Fiery Cross of Union: A Retelling of the Creation of the Australian Federation, 1889–1914 by William Coleman’, Journal of Australian Studies, published online (25 January 2022).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Book Review: Hot To Win An Election by Chris Wallace’, Journal of Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies, 1 (2021).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Democratic Adventurer: Graham Berry and the making of Australian politics by Sean Scalmer’, Australian Book Review, 422 (2020).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Book Review: Political Troglodytes and Economic Lunatics: The Hard Right in Australia’, Journal of Australian Studies, 43:4 (2019).
Benjamin T. Jones, ‘Book Review: The Far Left in Australia since 1945’, Journal of Australian Studies, 43:1 (2019).